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Numerology has evolved as a science. Loads of research and practice among numerologists have made this subject a centre of attraction. Numerology and daily horoscopes is just not studying your life number; it is also correlating it with life and its activities.

Numbers have their stories to tell us about ourselves. Let’s see what number 9 says about us.

The ruling planet of 9 is Mars. People with numerology number 9 are believed to be strong individuals. It is the highest number in numerology, so people with life number 9 are considered near perfection. They love to do things with precision and want to attain perfection in anything they do. This quality in their nature makes them inclined towards art. It is believed these people excel in fields like direction, filmmaking, writing, and medical.

They are good learners and are ready to grasp knowledge from anywhere. This makes them knowledgeable. They love to read and write.

1, 2, 3 are considered as friendly numbers of number 9 whereas 4 and 5 are the enemy numbers.

All numbers come with some positive and negative points. Listed below are some basic positive and negative qualities.

Basic Qualities:

  1. Charismatic
  2. Energetic
  3. Aggressive
  4. Warm hearted
  5. Highly responsive
  6. Romantic
  7. Well disciplined
  8. Unprejudiced

Negative Aspects:

1. Highly submissive
2. Confused Individuals
3. Impractical
4. Unrealistic

This information is generalized and represents the common characteristics of the number 9. One can add up their birthday date to find their numerology birthday.